Assessment of clinical safety and effectiveness of prenatal diagnostics methods


  • А.I. Korkan
  • G. Sailaukhankyzy


invasive methods of prenatal diagnosis, chorion biopsy, genetic screening, fetal chromosomal abnormalities


In the presented study, “Assessment of clinical safety and effectiveness of invasive prenatal diagnostics methods” the impact
of invasive methods of prenatal diagnosis on the course and outcome of pregnancy and further woman’s reproductive performance in patients who underwent invasive prenatal diagnosis in Almaty for the period of January-December 2016 were assessed. The results of prenatal invasive diagnostics in 409 women and further outcomes of the current pregnancy were retrospectively and prospectively monitored. According to the results of the performed work, the general assessment of invasive methods of prenatal diagnosis did not reveal any significant negative consequences of the procedures on the course and completion of pregnancy and it showed the relative safety of the use. The connection between the risk of pregnancy complications and the factor of a burdened gynecological history associated with the presence of woman’s uterine body fibroid was shown. A direct correlation was established between the risk factor for pregnancy loss after a chorion biopsy and the presence of a fetal chromosomal abnormality.


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ВидеоТест – Карио 3.1.

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How to Cite

Korkan А. and Sailaukhankyzy Г. 2019. Assessment of clinical safety and effectiveness of prenatal diagnostics methods. Reproductive Medicine. 2 (39) (Jul. 2019), 57–62.