Features of fecundity for women of senior reproductive age: Problems of the set aside procreation and methods of their correction


  • І.А. Zhabchenko
  • О.R. Suіdmak


the set aside procreation, late reproductive age, sterility, hormonal disbalance, obesity, correction, preconception preparation


In the article modern data are presented in relation to the features of ovarian reserve, menstrual function and offensive of
pregnancy for the women of late reproductive age. Basic risk factors, that can prevent both offensive of desirable pregnancy
at this contingent of women and normal motion (decline of ovarian reserve, obesity, syndrome of polycystic ovaries with the
inherent to him changes of insulin resistance and hyperandrogenia, hyperprolactinemia, insufficiency of lutein phase and others
like that), are reflected. The role of nutricial deficits, psychological stress factors is certain infectious constituent and chronic
endometritis in reasons of sterility of women by age 35+.
Having regard to the educed risk factors, basic directions of correction of reasons of sterility and principles of realization
of preconception preparation are certain for women with reproductive confusions. Among basic events on the preconception у
stage there is a correction of hormonal mutual relations in the organism of woman and endometrium state, grant of folates taking into account genic polymorphism, normalization of menstrual cycle and proceeding in ovulation, decline of body weight,
psychological support of the married couple.


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How to Cite

Zhabchenko И. and Suіdmak О. 2019. Features of fecundity for women of senior reproductive age: Problems of the set aside procreation and methods of their correction. Reproductive Medicine. 3 (40) (Oct. 2019), 29–36.