Live birth of dichorious triamniotic triple after ovulation stimulation by aromatase inhibitors in polycystic ovarian syndrome: A clinical case


  • A.T. Abshekenova Международный Клинический Центр Репродуктологии PERSONA
  • S.D. Babadzhanova
  • Sh.K. Karibayeva



anovulatory infertility, ovulation stimulation, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), aromatase inhibitors, multiple pregnancy


Relevance: Polycystic ovary syndrome is the most common hormonal disease in women and is noted in approximately 80% of women with anovulatory infertility. Today, aromatase inhibitors are used as first-line therapy in women with anovulatory infertility who lack other infertility factors.
The purpose was to present a clinical case of live birth of dichoral triamniotic triplets after ovulation stimulation with aromatase inhibitors in polycystic ovary syndrome.
Methods: The article describes the clinical case of live birth of dichorial triamniotic triplets after stimulation with aromatase
inhibitors in polycystic ovary syndrome in a patient with primary infertility associated with lack of ovulation.
Results: By publication, the triplets born with a favorable outcome, and the mother, were discharged from the maternity
Conclusion: The active use of such drugs as antiestrogens and aromatase inhibitors to stimulate ovulation in the practice
of reproductologists has helped many patients with anovulatory infertility become pregnant. At the same time, the risks of
multiple pregnancies also increase due to the drug-induced maturation of two and more follicles. Patients should be warned and
be prepared mentally and physically both for carrying a multiple pregnancy and for the fact of embryo reduction.
Such pregnancy requires successive and joint attention of a fertility specialist and obstetricians at the PHC level and neonatologists while further nursing the children.


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How to Cite

Abshekenova .А., Babadzhanova С. and Karibayeva Ш. 2022. Live birth of dichorious triamniotic triple after ovulation stimulation by aromatase inhibitors in polycystic ovarian syndrome: A clinical case. Reproductive Medicine. 2(51) (Jul. 2022), 63–69. DOI: