MАR-test and spermiological indicators
MAR test, male infertility, diagnosis, spermogramAbstract
Relevance: Antisperm antibodies are detected in 3-25% of cases in men and women diagnosed with infertility. They can also be diagnosed in 1-10% of healthy fertile men. A high titer of AST is one of the factors of male infertility, which can be "hidden," i. e. not causing symptoms or deterioration of the overall spermogram.
This study aimed to identify the effect of antisperm antibodies on spermiological indicators.
Methods: The retrospective analysis included the test results of 555 men examined at the Medical Center for Infertility Treatment in Chernivtsi, Ukraine. Spermograms were analyzed following the WHO laboratory manual for the examination and processing of human semen, 5th ed., using an inverted microscope Olympus CKX41 in the Makler chamber. The percentage of spermatozoa coated with antisperm antibodies was determined using MAR-test (MAR – mixed antiglobulin reaction).
Results: Only 48.3% of patients could have a suspected relationship between the presence of antisperm antibodies and undertaken surgery, genital infections, and allergy history. Most changes in sperm counts correlated with the percentage of IgG-coated spermatozoa. A negative medium-strength correlation was found between the percentage of Category A spermatozoa and the percentage of IgG-coated spermatozoa. The persistence of IgG in semen was accompanied by a reliable decrease in the morphological quality of sperm. In regression analysis, the trend line showed that the presence of 30% IgG-coated spermatozoa resulted in 100% of pathological spermatozoa in the ejaculate. In 52% of patients, Ig in the ejaculate as an etiological factor could not be established.
Conclusion: The presence of IgG was found to have the greatest impact on spermogram indices. An increase in antisperm antibodies in the semen was found to lead to a significant increase in the percentage of pathological forms and a decrease in sperm motility. Prognostically, 30% or more of IgG-coated spermatozoa will be accompanied by a violation of the morphology of spermatozoa with a probability of 95%.
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