Assisted Reproductive Technologies in Kazakhstan 2019: Data from the National Registry


  • V.N. Lokshin
  • M.D. Suleimenova Международный клинический центр репродуктологии "PERSONA"
  • Sh.K. Karibaeva
  • T.M. Jusubalieva
  • S.B. Baikoshkarova
  • M.K. Otarbaev
  • A.A. Akhmetova
  • L.I. Pokotylo
  • A.T. Makisheva
  • K.S. Taraka
  • S.S. Taraka
  • L.R. Chalova
  • N.S. Kim
  • A.T. Molbaev
  • D.G. Imtosimi
  • E.V. Lapina



IVF, 2019 report, assisted reproductive technologies (ART), ART accessibility


Relevance: The article summarizes the data on using assisted reproductive technologies (ART) in 2019 in IVF clinics in Kazakhstan.

The study aimed to present data on registered ART cycles performed in the Republic of Kazakhstan from January 1 to December 31, 2019.

Methods: A descriptive analysis of data from reports registered by the Kazakhstan Association of Reproductive Medicine (KARM) from January 1 to December 31, 2019, was carried out. The reports included data on IVF cycles, ICSI, embryo cryopreservation, surrogacy, preimplantation genetic tests, and oocyte donation.

Results: In total, 15,552 cycles of ART treatment were registered in 2019, which resulted in 4,042 births. The ART treatment availability rate was 835,1 cycles per 1 million population.

Conclusion: The register recorded a 13.7% increase in the volume of ART programs in 2019. Data collection was carried out voluntarily. 18 (78.2%) clinics provided information to the register as of December 31, 2019, which amounted to 95% of available data.


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How to Cite

Lokshin В., Suleimenova М., Karibaeva Ш., Jusubalieva Т., Baikoshkarova С., Otarbaev М., Akhmetova А., Pokotylo Л., Makisheva А., Taraka К. , Taraka С., Chalova Л., Kim В., Molbaev А., Imtosimi Д. and Lapina Е. 2022. Assisted Reproductive Technologies in Kazakhstan 2019: Data from the National Registry. Reproductive Medicine (Central Asia). 3(52) (Oct. 2022), 7–14. DOI: