A modern view on the study of risk factors leading to endometrial hyperplasia malignization: A literature review


  • B.I. Imasheva KSPH Health Care
  • M.A. Kamaliev
  • V.N. Lokshin
  • M.A. Baimuratova
  • A.D. Turekhanova




endometrial hyperplasia, endometrial cancer, risk factors, predictors, recurrence of endometrial hyperplasia, atypical endometrial hyperplasia, morbidity


Relevance: Endometrial hyperplasia is the most urgent problem in the structure of gynecological diseases due to the high possibility of recurrence, difficulties in differential diagnosis, and the risk of malignancy in the absence of patient control
and management. In this connection, the improvement of diagnostics and the study of additional risk factors and predictors of endometrial hyperplasia, as well as methods of preventing this disease, should be considered important aspects of cancer prevention.
The study aimed to generalize and determine the significance of major risk factors for endometrial cancer in patients with endometrial hyperplasia.
Methods: The conducted analytical review included open-access sources from scientific databases and specialized search engines PubMed, Mendeley, Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar over the past decade (2012-2022).
Results: This article describes in detail the risk factors leading to the transformation of endometrial hyperplasia into endometrial cancer. It was noted that endometrial pathologies, especially malignant processes, become more frequent with age, especially after 60 years. The leading anamnestic risk factors for endometrial cancer in women with endometrial hyperplasia
have been identified. The role of genetic factors in endometrial hyperplasia malignization was revealed. The authors reviewed the data of patients at risk for endometrial hyperplasia malignization, in whom endometrial hyperplasia was detected only by ultrasound or histological examination.
Conclusion: The literature review showed that expanding knowledge about the risk factors for hyperplasia degeneration into endometrial cancer is of practical importance for primary health care to improve indicators for early detection and timely treatment of background gynecological diseases.


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How to Cite

Imasheva Б., Kamaliev М., Lokshin В. , Baimuratova М. and Turekhanova А. 2022. A modern view on the study of risk factors leading to endometrial hyperplasia malignization: A literature review . Reproductive Medicine (Central Asia). 4(53) (Dec. 2022), 22–31. DOI:https://doi.org/10.37800/RM.3.2022.22-31.