Abdominal delivery in a perinatal center


  • A.K. Ayazbekov
  • R.G. Nurkhasimova
  • A.M. Kurmanova КазНУ им. Аль-Фараби
  • A.B. Ayazbekova




cesarean delivery (CD), Robson classification, childbirth, pregnant woman, woman in labor


Relevance: The frequency of cesarean delivery (CD) is growing worldwide, including in Kazakhstan. Access to CD indicates quality maternal care in the healthcare system, but higher rates are associated with increased maternal and fetal mortality due to severe complications of CS. The WHO recommends the Robson classification for monitoring the rational use of cholesterol.
The study aimed to evaluate the frequency of cesarean delivery in the Regional Perinatal Center No. 3 (Turkestan, Kazakhstan) using the Robson classification.
Materials and methods: The total CD frequency dynamics from 2018 to 2022 and the CD frequency by groups from 2020 to 2022 were assessed using the Robson classification. We made a retrospective analysis of abdominal births from 2017 to 2022. The women were divided into 10 Robson groups. Then we calculated the total CD and the absolute and relative contribution of each group to the overall CD frequency.
Results: According to the analyzed data, full-term primigravidas (Groups 1 and 2) and full-term re-pregnant women (Group 3) are the smallest groups in terms of contribution to the total population of cesarean sections. Group 5, repeated births of women at full term with one or more scars on the uterus, make the main contribution to the frequency of cesarean sections Conclusion: The reserve for reducing the CD frequency is the women who gave birth again after one or more cesarean sections.


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How to Cite

Ayazbekov А., Nurkhasimova Р., Kurmanova А. and Ayazbekova А. 2023. Abdominal delivery in a perinatal center. Reproductive Medicine (Central Asia). 1(54) (Mar. 2023), 57–70. DOI:https://doi.org/10.37800/RM.1.2023.57-70.