Features of the clinical course and structure of background cervical pathologies


  • L.M. Begimbekova
  • I.S. Sarkulova МКТУ имены Х.А. Ясави
  • Zh.B. Orazbayeva
  • A.N. Nyrlan
  • S.R. Dimral




Cervical pathology, cervical erosion, endocervicitis, contraception, parity


Relevance: Cervical pathology is a common name for various conditions and diseases of the cervix. Currently, such pathologies affect many women and are considered one of the most common diseases in the world. First, they affect reproductive health, but their main danger lies in their possible malignization. Cervical diseases are leading in the structure of gynecological pathology.
The study aimed to determine the features of cervical pathologies’ clinical course and their relationship with social factors.
Materials and methods: We conducted a retrospective study of outpatient records of 6829 women aged 22 to 50 who applied to the Polyclinic of City Hospital №2 (Shymkent, Kazakhstan) for family planning issues from 2019 to 2021.
Results: In the structure of cervical pathology, cervical erosions (8.2 to 18.7% of women) and endocervicitis (5.8 to 9.0% of women) were the most common. Other pathologies, such as ectropion and endocervix polyp, occurred with uniform frequency (5.8 to 9.6%). The proportions of healthy women and women with cervical pathology in 2019-2021 were as follows: 73.31% and 26.69% in 2019, 80.78% and 19.72% in 2020, and 88.77% and 11.23% in 2021, respectively.

Conclusion: We believe cervical erosion cannot be considered a pathology with an asymptomatic course. It is necessary to correctly and timely identify cervical pathologies and take appropriate measures. The effectiveness of surgery can be determined in dynamically controlled studies by observing symptom relief after treatment. Timely detection and appropriate treatment of background and precancerous diseases of the cervix can prevent its malignant degeneration. Preventive examination at the gynecologist 1-2 times a year helps to reduce severe forms of cervical pathology, as early diagnostics increases the chance of full recovery.


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How to Cite

Begimbekova Л., Sarkulova И. , Orazbayeva Ж., Nyrlan .А. and Dimral С. 2023. Features of the clinical course and structure of background cervical pathologies. Reproductive Medicine (Central Asia). 1(54) (Mar. 2023), 90–97. DOI:https://doi.org/10.37800/RM.1.2023.90-97.