Body mass index and bone mineral density as associated indicators in primary dysmenorrhea
adolescents, primary dysmenorrhea, body mass index (BMI), osteodensitometrie, bone mineral density (BMD)Abstract
Relevance: One of the urgent problems of pediatric and adolescent gynecology is dysmenorrhea. Adolescents with dysmenorrhea represent an increased risk group for menstrual dysfunction and the formation of the pathology of the reproductive system associated with body mass index (BMI) and bone mineral density (BMD).
The study aimed to determine a possible relationship between BMI and BMD among girls with primary dysmenorrhea.
Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted among adolescent girls with primary dysmenorrhea. We studied 205 adolescent girls with primary dysmenorrhea based on menstrual pain, using the visual analog scale (VAS), and selected 145 subjects with only severe dysmenorrhea with a VAS ≥7.
The online calculator, “medical-calculators/BodyMassIndexGirls,” was used to calculate BMI and establish underweight, normal, overweight, and obesity. BMD was determined using SONOST-3000 ultrasound bone densitometry (OsteoSys, South Korea).
Results: Osteodensitometrie showed BMD parameters in the osteopenic syndrome’s values. Comparative analysis revealed significant differences in wave propagation speed, which was lower in overweight adolescents compared to normal-weight adolescents. In addition, the girls in the group with normal BMD were taller than those with reduced BMD (p=0.04).
Conclusion: This study’s results showed that being overweight increases the likelihood of dysmenorrhea and BMD disorders.
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