Pregnancy in systemic lupus erythematosus: A literature review


  • Zh.T. Amirbekova
  • G.E. Gagloeva
  • A.A. Zhienbaeva
  • A.V. Fomina
  • Z.K. Urazbekova



systemic lupus erythematosus, immune response during pregnancy, pregnancy outcomes, risk, benefit, in vitro fertilization, therapy


Relevance: Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a multifaceted chronic relapsing autoimmune disease of unknown etiology. SLE has always been a serious diagnosis in women, being a multi-system pathology classically occurring in childbearing age, causing serious systemic comorbidities with potential impact on functional performance, psychosocial status, and survival.
The study aimed to establish safe recommendations for counseling women of reproductive age with SLE who have reproductive plans.
Materials and methods: The scientific literature search was performed in EMBASE, MEDLINE, and Google scholar databases from January 2013 to December 2022. We used combinations of the following keywords: “systemic lupus erythematosus,” “immune response in pregnancy,” “pregnancy outcomes,” “risk, benefit, in vitro fertilization,” and “therapy.” Titles and abstracts were analyzed for relevance to the research topic. This literature review included five meta-analyses, four study cohorts, and seven systematic reviews comparing maternal and fetal pregnancy outcomes in women with and without SLE. This article addresses issues related to the decision to conceive in a woman with SLE, focusing on the impact of diagnosis and disease activity status on the mother and fetus to make a safe decision to conceive with SLE.
Results: The pleomorphic unregulated immune nature of lupus in the presence of uncontrolled disease carries a higher risk of complicated pregnancy. Therefore, SLE pregnancy must be well planned and is usually encouraged if the disease is inactive (at least six months before conception) to provide immune rest for a safer outcome. Conclusion: Pregnancy and gestation with SLE in women of reproductive age are safe with an appropriate preconception counseling strategy, close monitoring of SLE exacerbations, and multidisciplinary management according to best practice.


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How to Cite

Amirbekova Ж., Gagloeva Г., Zhienbaeva А. , Fomina А. and Urazbekova З. 2023. Pregnancy in systemic lupus erythematosus: A literature review. Reproductive Medicine. 1(54) (Mar. 2023), 116–125. DOI: