The use of chelated form of iron in iron deficiency anemia in adolescents and young women of early reproductive age. Therapeutic and prophylactic approaches
iron deficiency, reproductive age, abnormal uterine bleeding, menstrual disorders, chelated forms of ironAbstract
Relevance: The high requirement for iron in women of reproductive age and adolescent girls is often associated with menstrual irregularities and uterine bleeding. The main treatment for iron deficiency is the administering of iron-containing drugs. A new promising direction is using iron preparations chelated with amino acids. The chelated complex has a higher bioavailability and is characterized by a wide range of applications in different age groups of patients.
The study aimed to assess the clinical efficacy of the chelated forms of iron Multizan® Ferrum L and Multizan® Ferrum 30 against iron deficiency and anemia in adolescents and young women with menstrual disorders and uterine bleeding in the early reproductive period.
Materials and Methods: This open-controlled, comparative, prospective, multicenter, parallel-group clinical trial included 110 adolescents and young women aged 14 to 24 diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia. The regimen of Multizan® Ferrum 30 and Multizan® Ferrum L for the correction of iron deficiency was flexible and consisted of 3 to 2 tablets daily with an average duration of administration of 6-8 weeks.
Results: The use of a chelated form of iron in the form of bis-glycinate for the correction of iron deficiency in women of reproductive age and adolescent girls was effective in all patients. The increase in hemoglobin concentration during the first three weeks of therapy was from 8 to 17 g/l. The serum ferritin level increased more than fourfold within three weeks, indicating a high efficiency in restoring the iron reserves. Clinical manifestations of anemia were rapidly resolved with no adverse manifestations and complications during the intake of Multizan® Ferrum 30 and Multizan® Ferrum L.
Conclusion: These post-registration test studies of Multizan® Ferrum 30 and Multizan® Ferrum L and our accumulated clinical experience allow us to conclude that the use of chelated iron Multizan® Ferrum 30 and Multizan® Ferrum L is a promising direction that requires further development. This is a qualitatively new level in the treatment of IDА in gynecological patients of young and adolescent age with the diagnosis of abnormal uterine bleeding and iron deficiency anemia.
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