Trichobezoar of the small intestine in a patient at 33 weeks of pregnancy: A clinical case


  • R.V. Iralina Казахский национальный медицинский университет им. С.Д. Асфендиярова
  • B.B. Autenov
  • N.A. Filatova



bezoars, trichobezoar, intestinal obstruction, pregnancy, trichotillomania, trichophagia


Relevance: Trichobezoars, which are bezoars made up of hair, are caused by trichotillomania, compulsive hair pulling, and trichophagia, hair eating. They are localized mainly in the stomach. In rare cases, the hair passes completely through the stomach and forms a trichobezoar in the small intestine. This pathology is a very rare disease. Patients with foreign bodies of the stomach, such as trichobezoar, are extremely rare in clinical practice.

The study aimed to show and analyze the dynamics of a clinical case of acute intestinal obstruction due to trichobezoar in the small intestine in a pregnant woman.

Materials and Methods: The study used the method of monitoring the change in the clinical condition in a rare case of trichobezoar in the small intestine of a pregnant woman.

Results: This article presents a rare clinical case of trichobezoar of the small intestine in a patient at 33 weeks of gestation with an unknown history of trichophagia and with a preliminary diagnosis of acute appendicitis. The following example is the first case of surgical treatment of such a disease in maternity ward No. 2 of the Kostanay regional hospital. On the 4th day in the pregnancy pathology department, the 25-year patient developed a clinical picture of intestinal obstruction. The article offers the results of laboratory and instrumental tests. The multidisciplinary council of physicians decided on surgery, considering the development of acute intestinal obstruction. The patient underwent surgical intervention in the volume of "Lower median laparotomy. Cesarean section in the lower uterine segment. Elimination of intestinal obstruction. Sanitation and drainage of the abdominal cavity." After surgery, the patient's condition improved. The patient was discharged on Day 10 with recommendations. 

Conclusion: The presented clinical case shows that the formation of trichobezoar requires a long time. The addiction to swallowing hair is the main factor in the formation of trichobezoar. The clinical case presented by us is interesting for physicians as a reminder of rare pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.


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How to Cite

Iralina Р. , Autenov Б. and Filatova Н. 2023. Trichobezoar of the small intestine in a patient at 33 weeks of pregnancy: A clinical case. Reproductive Medicine. 2 (55) (May 2023), 76–81. DOI: