Coronavirus infection SARS-COV-2 during pregnancy: Outcome for the mother and fetus
COVID-19, infection, clinical cases, diagnosis, outcome, lesionAbstract
Relevance: The article describes the analysis of a clinical case of a favorable outcome of a very severe SARS-COV-2 infection in a pregnant woman with a common lung lesion. Pregnant women are less resistant to these viruses, and the course of the disease will be difficult. However, the timely referral of a pregnant woman with a very severe course of SARS-COV-2 infection to the obstetric hospital of an infectious hospital to provide specialized medical care using a multidisciplinary method, taking into account possible cardiac complications in this pathology, their timely diagnosis and correction the outcome maternity and fetal care allowed to avoid unfavorable conditions.
The study aimed to describe the clinical situation of the city perinatal center of Shymkent. As an example of a clinical condition, we observe the patient at each stage of her management; we present the results of diagnosis and treatment.
Materials and methods: A pregnant woman with a severe form of SARS-CoV-2 was hospitalized in the city perinatal center of Shymkent, which ended in a favorable outcome for the mother and fetus.
Results: In this article, we describe the treatment of a pregnant woman with COVID-19 in the 21st week of pregnancy who was admitted to an urban infectious disease center. After a week, when her condition worsened, the patient was transferred to a cardiac center for extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. The woman was sent back to the city infection center ten days after being disconnected from the device to determine further treatment tactics. The patient was discharged a month later, after her condition improved.
At 41 weeks of pregnancy, the patient was induced for three days under medical supervision and delivered a live full-term fetus with Apgar scores of 7 and 8. The delivery was uncomplicated.
Conclusion: Pregnant women are less resistant to respiratory pathogens and may be more susceptible to COVID-19 infection. In addition, due to immunological changes during pregnancy and the potential risks of cytokine attack in COVID-19 infection, pregnant women may experience severe illness and even death.
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