Assisted reproductive technologies in Kazakhstan in 2018: A brief performance and availability report


  • V.N. Lokshin
  • M.D. Omar
  • Sh.K. Karibaeva
  • T.M. Dzhusubalieva
  • S.B. Baykoshkarova
  • A.A. Akhmetova
  • L.I. Pokotilo
  • K.S. Dyusembinov
  • S.S. Tararaka
  • G.K. Magzumov



ART register, effectiveness of ART cycles in Kazakhstan, frequency of ART use


The article contains descriptive analysis to explore characteristics and results treatment with different types of assisted reproductive technologies (ART). Into the report data of ART cycles registered by the Kazakhstan Association are included reproductive medicine for the period from January 1 to December 31, 2018. In general complexity, 12,185 cycles of ART treatment were registered in 2018, and 3244 newborns were born as a result of their use. The frequency of ART use was 628 cycles per million population. The instruction of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the message of September 1,
2020 is an important step towards improving the reproductive potential of the country.


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How to Cite

Lokshin В., Omar М., Karibaeva Ш., Dzhusubalieva Т. , Baykoshkarova С. , Akhmetova А., Pokotilo Л., Dyusembinov К., Tararaka С. and Magzumov Г. 2021. Assisted reproductive technologies in Kazakhstan in 2018: A brief performance and availability report. Reproductive Medicine. 2 (47) (Jul. 2021), 6–10. DOI: