Resolution of the Interdisciplinary Council of Experts «Original follitropins vs. biosimilars in Assisted Reproductive Technology programs»



follitropin, biosimilar, assisted reproductive technologies (ART)


On April 24, 2023, Almaty hosted the Interdisciplinary Council of Experts on “Original follitropins vs. biosimilars in programs of assisted reproductive technologies,” initiated and organized by the Kazakhstan Association of Reproductive Medicine (KARM).
The Council involved experts in the field of reproductive medicine, clinical pharmacology, chemistry, and embryology.
The aims of the event were to study world practice, application experience, aspects of pharmacoeconomics, as well as personal experience in the use of biosimilars in assisted reproductive technology programs, discussion about differences with original drugs, risks, and scientific data in the field of using biosimilars and original follitropins.



How to Cite

Vasilieva Т. and Lokshin В. 2023. Resolution of the Interdisciplinary Council of Experts «Original follitropins vs. biosimilars in Assisted Reproductive Technology programs». Reproductive Medicine (Central Asia). 3(56) (Oct. 2023), 91–92.