Mastopathy treatment effectiveness in women of reproductive age: A literature review


  • N.A. Omarbayeva
  • A.B. Askandirova KazIOR
  • N.A. Chichua
  • A.Zh. Abdrakhmanova
  • D.U. Shayakhmetova
  • O.V. Shatkovskaya



fibrocystic mastopathy, Vitex аgnus сastus, mammary gland, breast cancer


Relevance: Benign breast pathology occurs worldwide in about 80% of women of reproductive age. Various types of mastopathy transform into breast cancer in 3-6% of patients, so they are regarded as risk factors for breast cancer development. Currently, there is no single generally accepted tactic for treating this pathology since the disease course can vary depending on concomitant pathologies or hormonal imbalance in the body. Therefore, mastopathy can be cured not only surgically. One of the main methods of treatment of this pathology is medication, which is based on taking medications aimed primarily at regulating the hormonal background. However, to date, there is no single tactic for treating the disease, and there are no approved, generally accepted recommendations for treating mastopathy.
The study aimed to assess the effectiveness and safety of using the medicinal product BNO 1025 containing an extract of Vitex аgnus сastus in treating the dyshormonal disorders of the mammary glands based on the literature analysis.
Research methods included a review of published results of scientific and clinical studies in the PubMed database for 2010-2021.
Results: The analysis of published research results showed sufficient clinical efficacy and a favorable safety profile of the medicinal product BNO 1025 in fibrocystic mastopathy and a particular advantage of this product over biologically active additives.
Conclusion: Randomized clinical trials (RCT) results demonstrate the high efficacy of VAC treatment in benign dysfunction of the mammary gland. Today, VAC is a drug of choice for the first- and second-line monotherapy for women of childbearing age. We consider it necessary to carefully design an RCT to determine the optimal duration of treatment with the BNO 1025 drug, clarify the effectiveness of different dosages, and verify the results.


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How to Cite

Omarbayeva Н., Askandirova А., Chichua Н., Abdrakhmanova А., Shayakhmetova Д. and Shatkovskaya О. 2021. Mastopathy treatment effectiveness in women of reproductive age: A literature review. Reproductive Medicine. 4 (49) (Dec. 2021), 16–21. DOI: