Plasmolifting as a method of choice in the treatment of atrophic vaginitis in menopausal women


  • S.S. Alimbaeva
  • G.K. Manabaeva



plasmolifting, estrogen-deficient states, perimenopause, atrophic vaginitis


This study, carried out in the gynecological center «Zhamilya» (Semey, Kazakhstan), shows the effect of using the plasmolifting method in women in the climacteric state with symptoms of atrophic vaginitis.


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How to Cite

Alimbaeva С. and Manabaeva Г. 2021. Plasmolifting as a method of choice in the treatment of atrophic vaginitis in menopausal women. Reproductive Medicine. 2 (47) (Jul. 2021), 57–60. DOI: