Simultaneous correction of esophageal and duodenal atresia in a newborn: A clinical case


  • Zh.N. Sakuov
  • D.Z. Rustemov
  • D.B. Dzhenalaev
  • V.M. Lozovoy
  • N.B. Mukhametkaliev
  • Sh.K. Shayakhmetov КФ "UMC" Национальный Научный Центр Материнства и Детства



esophageal atresia (EA), duodenal atresia (DA), newborn, combined gastrointestinal tract (GIT) malformation


Relevance: Esophageal atresia (EA) and duodenal atresia (DA) are complex malformations of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) that require surgical treatment. The combination of these two malformations is quite rare (in 3-6% of newborns with EA) and there is not sufficient medical experience in pediatric surgery in treating such patients.
The study aimed to present a clinical case of simultaneous correction of a combined malformation of the GIT, as an example of an algorithm for the interaction of various specialists in one-stage surgical correction of EA and DA in a newborn.
Materials and Methods: The study describes a clinical case of simultaneous surgical correction of EA and DA in a newborn who was treated at the National Research Center for Maternal and Child Health “UMC”, (Astana, Kazakhstan) in 2020.
Results: There is a positive outcome of a one-stage method for correctiing EA and DA in the described clinical case, considering the stable condition of the newborn patient.
Conclusion: Due to the pediatric surgery and nursing technology development, one-stage correction of gastrointestinal malformations in newborns with a good treatment outcome has become possible. The presented case is described to increase the clinical awareness of the pediatric surgical community regarding the outcome of one-stage surgical treatment in similar pathologies.


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How to Cite

Sakuov Ж. , Rustemov Д., Dzhenalaev Д., Lozovoy В., Mukhametkaliev Н. and Shayakhmetov Ш. 2023. Simultaneous correction of esophageal and duodenal atresia in a newborn: A clinical case . Reproductive Medicine. 4 (Dec. 2023), 99–104. DOI:


