The importance of various factors in the development of female primary infertility: A literature review


  • G.A. Zhurabekova
  • G.K. Toichiyeva МКЦР "PERSONA"
  • L.K. Sarsenova
  • Zh. Oralkhan
  • N.V. Bershina
  • А.K. Berdalinova
  • L.Sh. Bimaganbetova
  • O.V. Kim
  • А.D. Balmagambetova
  • T.A. Akhayeva



primary infertility, ovarian reserve, reproductive biomarkers, smoking and infertility, healthy lifestyle, stress and infertility, meta-analysis of infertility


Relevance: Infertility is a global public health problem and a socially destabilizing condition for couples suffering from multiple factors, including medical, social, and psychological stress and marital discord. About 10-15% of couples worldwide suffer from infertility.
The study aimed to determine risk factors for infertility in women of fertile age.
Materials and Methods: The keywords used in the search were: “primary infertility,” “ovarian reserve,” “reproductive biomarkers,” “smoking and infertility,” “healthy lifestyle,” “stress and infertility,” “meta-analysis of infertility,” in PubMed, Web of Science, Embase, and Google Scholar databases, articles published July 2017-2022.
Results: The analysis shows that socio-demographic indicators, women’s age, stress, diseases of the reproductive system, infectious diseases, the current level of education of women, social status, and lifestyle factors are predictors of primary infertility.
Medical professionals can use this study results to develop effective methods for solving infertility problems in which psycho-emotional and social interventions have a positive effect on pregnancy rates.
Conclusion: Thus, these studies provide the basis for making recommendations for specific preventive and educational programs and can serve as a basis for counseling women facing infertility in the future.


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How to Cite

Zhurabekova Г., Toichiyeva Г. , Sarsenova Л., Oralkhan Ж. , Bershina Н., Berdalinova А. , Bimaganbetova Л., Kim О., Balmagambetova А. and Akhayeva Т. 2023. The importance of various factors in the development of female primary infertility: A literature review . Reproductive Medicine. 4 (Dec. 2023), 67–77. DOI:


