Assessment of the reproductive function of women after surgical hemostasis
postpartum hemorrhage, surgical hemostasis, impaired reproductive function, compression sutures, hemostatic sutures, quality of lifeAbstract
Relevance: In the event of massive postpartum hemorrhage or bleeding during cesarean section, emergency hysterectomy is often performed, which not only leads to loss of reproductive and menstrual function but is also accompanied by significant changes in the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian system and also adversely affects blood supply, innervation, the pelvic lymphatic system. Therefore, taking into account these shortcomings, in recent years, ligation of the uterine arteries, the imposition of hemostatic sutures on the uterus of various modifications, and embolization of the uterine vessels are used for bleeding.
The study aimed to assess the quality of life and the state of reproductive function in women of reproductive age after undergoing surgical hemostasis.
Methods: a retrospective analysis of 563 birth histories was performed, which took place at the Center for Perinatology and Pediatric Cardiac Surgery (Almaty, Kazakhstan) in 2015-2018, in which compression and hemostatic sutures were applied. An anonymous survey of women who underwent surgical hemostasis was conducted.
Results: Among the 563 women surveyed, 234 (41.6%) women answered in the affirmative to the question, "Has your quality of life changed after the application of compression hemostatic sutures?" The changes concerned menstrual disorders (15.4%), psycho-emotional disorders (16.3%), secondary infertility (15.7%). The remaining 329 women (58.4%) did not notice significant changes in their quality of life.
Conclusion: The study results necessitate informing women about the surgical hemostasis performed and the need for further dispensary observation and a complete clinical and laboratory examination.
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