Surgical design of stoma in children: A literary review
стома, жаңа туған нәрестелер, стоманың асқынуы, хирургиялық дизайн, хирургиялық емдеу, перитонеальді апореотикалық сақинаAbstract
Relevance: Modern methods of early diagnosis of congenital malformations in infants and treatment of acute surgical pathology of the gastrointestinal tract determine the possibility of timely radical surgical correction to restore body functions and development of the child by age periods. Intestinal stoma occurs in 30-50% of cases. Without an intestinal stoma, it is impossible to imagine any reconstructive surgery.
The study aimed to analyze modern literature data on the application of stomas in children with congenital and acquired surgical pathologies.
Materials and methods: The abstract databases of the Russian Science Citation Index, PubMed, and Scopus were searched for publications with a 10-year depth using the keywords stoma, children, newborns, stoma complications, surgical design, and surgical treatment. 103 publications were found, and 36 studies were selected for analysis.
Results: Thus, in most cases, the formation of an intestinal stoma in pediatric practice is temporary and implies the subsequent restoration of intestinal patency, which is crucial when choosing the type of intestinal stoma and the technique of its formation. Peristomal complications. A properly formed stoma should perform its functions without aggravating but easing the condition of a sick child. However, an operation that seems simple at first glance - the application of an intestinal stoma - can be accompanied by various technical errors and errors, which lead to a wide range of complications - from minimal to severe, threatening the patient’s life.
Conclusion: Based on the above, further research is necessary to exclude complications and ensure rapid recovery in the early postoperative period of ostomized children with the introduction of new methods of ostomy and the creation of a peritoneal aponeurotic ring in young children.
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