Immunological features of community-acquired pneumonia in children vaccinated with pneumococcal vaccine
Streptococcus pneumoniae, vaccination, MCP-1, childrenAbstract
Relevance: Recently, it remains important to study the activation of protective and adaptive systems of the microorganism in the fight against a pathogenic agent. At the same time, cytokines perform the main regulatory function as mediators of intercellular interaction.
The study aimed to identify the immunological features of community-acquired pneumonia in vaccinated children to assess their impact on the severity of the disease.
Materials and methods: We conducted a study to identify the immunological features of community-acquired pneumonia in vaccinated children. The study included 80 children aged 2 months to 3 years, with varying degrees of severity of community-acquired pneumonia, hospitalized in the city of Karaganda in 2017-2020. The children were divided into 2 groups. The first group included vaccinated children (n=407), and the second group included children with vaccination disorders (n=40). The control group consisted of 20 children. The results were calculated and evaluated on an IBM-compatible computer with the Windows XP operating system using the MS Excel 2017 (Microsoft) software package, SPSS 12.0.2, and Statistica 20. The statistical analysis was carried out using the STATISTICA package. The Mann-Whitney criterion was calculated to compare the significance of differences in groups. The differences were considered statistically significant at p<0.05.
Results: The determination of this marker revealed a significant increase in the proinflammatory cytokine MCP-1 in urine (p<0.05) in children with impaired immunization timing with severe course of VP, in contrast to the group of vaccinated children. Thus, in children, this indicator was 7.8 (5.03; 9.07) pg/ml Me (Lq; Uq), and in children with impaired immunization – 18.4 (6.22; 30.08) pg/ml Me (Lq; Uq) (p=0.026913).
Conclusion: The immunological research methods used by us can increase the effectiveness of timely diagnosis of community-acquired pneumonia in children vaccinated with pneumococcal vaccine at the inpatient level, as well as improve the individual prognosis of the course of the disease.
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