Abdominal delivery after IVF: Justifications and risks


  • S.B. Baikoshkarova
  • A.A. Seitak ТОО клиника Экомед
  • M.K. Otarbayev
  • G.N. Biltayeva
  • A.K. Akhmetova
  • A.Y. Dibrova




infertility, pregnancy, in vitro fertilization (IVF), cesarean section (C-section), abdominal delivery


Relevance: Pregnancy following in vitro fertilization (IVF) is often considered high-risk, leading to an increased preference for cesarean sections (C-sections), even without strict medical indications. With the global rise in IVF pregnancies, the choice of delivery method has become increasingly critical.

The study aimed to study the causes of abdominal deliveries after IVF and the assessment of the justification for such decisions from the perspective of medical necessity.

Materials and Methods: A retrospective analysis was conducted on 1,592 women who underwent IVF through a program funded by the Health Insurance Fund of Kazakhstan. The study focused on clinical pregnancy outcomes, particularly the rate of C-sections among full-term pregnancies, across different healthcare organizations. The IVF procedures were performed at the Ecomed Сlinic from 2020 to 2022, with data analysis including comparisons of cesarean and natural birth rates and maternal and child outcomes.

Results: From 2020 to 2022, the clinical pregnancy rate after IVF, according to the data of the «Ecomed» clinic, was 46%, which shows the program’s effectiveness. However, the C-section rate was high and increased to 69% in 2022, significantly above the recommended range by WHO.

Conclusion: The high C-section rate following IVF, according to the results of this study, highlights the need to reassess management strategies for these pregnancies. Developing national guidelines based on strict medical criteria and addressing regional variations could improve delivery practices and reduce unnecessary surgeries.


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How to Cite

Baikoshkarova С., Seitak А., Otarbayev М., Biltayeva Г., Akhmetova А. and Dibrova А. 2024. Abdominal delivery after IVF: Justifications and risks. Reproductive Medicine (Central Asia). 3 (Oct. 2024), 73–81. DOI:https://doi.org/10.37800/RM.3.2024.73-81.


