Review of the influence of electromagnetic radiations of different range on the physiological processes of human and animal spermatozoa


  • D.V. Zadubenko
  • V.N. Lokshin
  • D.N. Sultanova
  • I.M. Kim
  • M.I. Pak
  • E.К. Kilina
  • V.А. Golichenkov



electromagnetic radiation, spermatozoa, spermatogenesis, ejaculate, infertility, fertility, asthenozoospermia, oligozoospermia, DNA fragmentation


This review presents 40 experimental studies of the effect of electromagnetic radiation of various ranges on the male
reproductive function of humans and other vertebrates. The review includes works performed in the period from 2010 to 2020.
Currently, not only the negative effect of radio waves, X-rays and gamma radiation has been shown, but many experiments
have been carried out, where with the help of electromagnetic radiation it is possible to favorably influence spermatogenesis
in general and physiological, biochemical processes in spermatozoa in particular. The purpose of this bibliographic study was
to search for options for exposure to electromagnetic radiation to modulate the biological processes of spermatogenesis and
sperm motility in vitro.


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How to Cite

Zadubenko Д., Lokshin В., Sultanova Д. , Kim И., Pak М., Kilina Е. and Golichenkov В. 2021. Review of the influence of electromagnetic radiations of different range on the physiological processes of human and animal spermatozoa. Reproductive Medicine (Central Asia). 1 (46) (Apr. 2021), 42–54. DOI: