Favorable outcome of surgical treatment of ovarian cystadenoma in a teenage girl: A clinical case


  • Zh.U. Sultanova
  • Zh.S. Begniazova
  • Sh.M. Saduakasova
  • E.A. Makhmutova
  • A.I. Yuldasheva
  • A.B. Binali




ovarian tumors, cystadenoma, benign ovarian tumors, mucinous ovarian cystadenoma


Relevance: Benign ovarian tumors are one of the most essential urgent problems in modern gynecology since they occur at any age and lead to a decrease in a woman's reproductive potential. At the same time, the risk of malignancy remains high. During their lifetime, 10% of women undergo surgical treatment for ovarian tumors. Some are rare and difficult to diagnose due to the long-term asymptomatic course.

The study aimed to detect ovarian formations of the pelvis promptly, develop routing, and develop patient management tactics.

Materials and Methods: The article presents a clinical case of giant ovarian cystadenoma in a 16-year-old teenage girl.

Results: In the presented clinical case, the patient underwent laparotomy, cystectomy, and partial resection of the ovary on the left, and no significant problems, as well as signs of recurrence or metastasis, were revealed during follow-up.

Conclusion: This clinical observation confirms the need for preventive gynecological examination for early detection of ovarian neoplasm among adolescent girls. It is important to remember that the clinical picture of benign ovarian tumors is asymptomatic. In this regard, applying all available modern diagnostic methods and developing patient routing and management tactics is necessary. Adhering to organ-preserving tactics is also required during emergency or planned surgical treatment.


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How to Cite

Sultanova Ж., Begniazova Ж. , Saduakasova Ш., Makhmutova Э., Yuldasheva А. and Binali А. 2024. Favorable outcome of surgical treatment of ovarian cystadenoma in a teenage girl: A clinical case. Reproductive Medicine (Central Asia). 3 (Oct. 2024), 107–114. DOI:https://doi.org/10.37800/RM.3.2024.107-114.


