Artificial Intelligence — a key to the development of embryology laboratory


  • A.A. Begimbaeva персона
  • A.N. Rybina
  • K.T. Nigmetova
  • Zh.K. Saylau
  • A.Sh. Ermekova
  • Sh.K. Karibayeva
  • V.N. Lokshin



artificial intelligence, embryos, developmental assessment, ploidy, blastocyst, preimplantation diagnosis


Relevance: Introducing artificial intelligence (AI) in assisted reproductive technologies (ART) is a relevant and exciting topic. While the potential success of AI is evident, there are still questions about its correctness that require the collective effort of our research community to address.

The study aimed to underscore the immense potential of using artificial intelligence to predict blastocyst yield, ploidy, and pregnancy frequency in assisted reproductive technology programs using noninvasive diagnostics. If harnessed, this potential could revolutionize the field of ART.

Materials and Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional retrospective study of 655 programs of married couples diagnosed with infertility. The patients were divided into 2 age groups: Group 1 – up to 38 years old, Group 2 – 39 years and older. The embryos were categorized into 2 groups based on the AI assessment on the 5th day of development: Group 1 with an evaluation of 0-5 points, and Group 2 – 6-10 points. According to the morphological quality, the embryos were divided into 2 groups: Group 1 – embryos with an assessment of excellent blastocyst quality ≥2BC according to Gardner, and Group 2 – blastocysts of good quality and below <2BC.

Results: We revealed a statistically significant moderate positive correlation between the AI assessment of embryos on the 5th day of development and the morphological quality of blastocysts. Prediction of a euploid embryo using AI reaches 90.9%. Regardless of the woman's age, embryos with a low AI score on the 5th day of development are statistically significantly less likely to result in pregnancy (p<0.001). The sensitivity of the obtained model was 79.6%, and the specificity was 47.1%.

Conclusion: The obtained results demonstrate the high potential for artificial intelligence to increase the effectiveness of ART programs' outcomes, including as a non-invasive preimplantation diagnosis. Further study of the possibilities of using artificial intelligence in ART clinics is necessary.


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How to Cite

Begimbaeva А., Rybina А. , Nigmetova К., Saylau Ж., Ermekova А., Karibayeva Ш. and Lokshin В. 2024. Artificial Intelligence — a key to the development of embryology laboratory. Reproductive Medicine (Central Asia). 3 (Oct. 2024), 42–49. DOI:


