Legal regulations of ART in French legislation
assisted reproductive technologies, surrogacy, French legislation, ART reformsAbstract
France is one of the rare countries which implements the fundamental mechanism for improving legislation on Bioethics.
Since 1994, every five years bioethics laws are revised in order to follow medical advances (medicine), authorize new practices
and impose restrictions, expressly in order to guarantee the fundamental principles laid down by the Law N94-653 of 29 July
1994 (dignity, primacy of the human person, inviolability, integrity and non-ownership of the human body and its elements).
Medically assisted procreation (ART) is one of the fields under regular review. This article outlines the French law on ART and
surrogacy. In spite of the fact that surrogacy is prohibited in France, the infertile couples seek surrogacy outside of the country.
Over the last few years, under pressure from the ECHR and expressly to protect child interests, the French relaxed their position
in order to recognize the affiliation of children born from surrogacy. The current revision of bioethical laws aims, among other
things, to open up access to ART for all women (including single women and lesbian couples) and to simplify the recognition in
France of the affiliation of children born by surrogacy abroad.
Гражданский Кодекс Французской Республики. Национально-правовой портал.
Уголовный Кодекс Французской Республики.
Кодекс законов о Здравоохранении
Закон № 94-653 «Об уважении человеческого тела»
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