Features of the early neonatal period of newborns after IVF


  • S.Sh. Isenova
  • G.Zh. Bodykov
  • V.N. Lokshin
  • T.M. Dzhusubalieva
  • S.B. Baykoshkarova
  • Sh.K. Karibaeva
  • R.K. Valiyev
  • B.K. Kabyl




ART, outcomes of labor, children's health


According to WHO, the frequency of infertility ranges from 15-18% and has no tendency to decrease. In many countries with the widespread introduction of IVF, the number of newborns born after ART has been steadily increasing. A prospective analysis of the features of the course of the early neonatal period of newborns born after IVF was carried out. The number of
babies born at a full term gestation of 85% is growing; most newborns were born in satisfactory condition on the Apgar scale.
The high frequency (10%) of congenital heart defects in newborns born after the use of ART is noteworthy. The results require further efforts to reduce the number of preterm births, to study the follow-up of children to establish the relationship between the health problems of children born after ART.


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How to Cite

Isenova С. , Bodykov Г. , Lokshin В. , Dzhusubalieva Т. , Baykoshkarova С. , Karibaeva Ш. , Valiyev Р. and Kabyl Б. 2020. Features of the early neonatal period of newborns after IVF. Reproductive Medicine (Central Asia). 2 (43) (Jul. 2020), 22–27. DOI:https://doi.org/10.37800/RM2020-1-12.