Early markers of diagnosis fetal growth restriction syndrome


  • G.A. Ikhtiyarova
  • M.J. Aslonova
  • N.K. Dustova




Fetal growth restriction syndrome, dopplerometry, middle cerebral artery, umbilical artery


The article presents the effectiveness of Dopplerometry for assessing blood flow in large vessels, including the umbilical, uterine artery and middle cerebral artery, 90 women were examined in the second trimester, and 45 women showed signs of placental insufficiency, such as fetal growth restriction syndrome at 28-34 weeks. The results of the study showed that 23 (51.1%) women had signs of subcompensated insufficiency of uteroplacental blood flow, and 11 (24.4%) women showed signs of fetal-placental blood flow. The study of the uteroplacental-fetal blood flow allows early detection of early signs of impairment in the fetoplacental system and its timely correction.


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How to Cite

Ikhtiyarova Г., Aslonova М. and Dustova Н. 2020. Early markers of diagnosis fetal growth restriction syndrome. Reproductive Medicine (Central Asia). 3 (44) (Oct. 2020), 54–57. DOI:https://doi.org/10.37800/RM2020-1-25.