The influence of the territorial factor on the morphological and functional characteristics of spermatozoa of men of reproductive age according to the data of the clinic "Mother and Child"


  • M.T. Tugushev
  • Yu.V. Myakisheva
  • A.M. Shelochkov
  • I.V. Fedoseikina
  • O.Ya. Skazkina
  • O.V. Shurygina



The state of reproductive health of the population is the most important component of the socio-demographic development of the country. An urgent problem is to determine the fertility of men in order to identify a disease in them of the reproductive system and the possibility of procreation. Male infertility is a delicate problem, readily denied accepted and not recognized by many men. As a result, the prevalence of reproductive failure of the male population greatly exceeds official data (WHO data), according to which about 25% of married couples do not achieve pregnancy within a year, and 40% of them due to male infertility [3]. As you know, the husband Infertility is manifested by the absence of conception during regular sexual activity with a healthy woman of childbearing age within 1.5-2 years without the use of contraceptives [2]. Scientists have proven that the development of pathology is affected by age of a person, the presence of infectious diseases and many other factors. Determining the frequency of occurrence infertility in men in the regions of the Samara region will reveal the dependence of the characteristics of the ejaculate on the environmental sky environment.


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How to Cite

Tugushev М. , Myakisheva Ю. , Shelochkov А. , Fedoseikina И., Skazkina О. and Shurygina О. 2020. The influence of the territorial factor on the morphological and functional characteristics of spermatozoa of men of reproductive age according to the data of the clinic "Mother and Child". Reproductive Medicine (Central Asia). 3 (44) (Oct. 2020), 63–67. DOI: