Pregnancy after IVF in a patient with Shereshevsky-Turner Syndrome (clinical case)
Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome, pregnancy, childbirth, thrombophilia, hypergonodatropic hypogonadism, progesterone, low molecular weight heparin, preeclampsiaAbstract
Shereshevsky-Turner Syndrome (SJT) is caused by full or partial X-monosomy, presented in all or part of the cells of the body.
For Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome, pronounced hormonal disorders are characteristic - these are primary ovarian, somatotropic, thyrotropic insufficiency, as well as defects of the cardiovascular and urinary systems. With the advent of ART, pregnancy has become more accessible for this category of patients, most often with a donor egg. In the available literature, it was not possible to find the exact information on the selection of progestogen support, duration of appointment, and term of withdrawal; therefore, the clinical case is presented below. In this case, we left high maintenance doses of progesterone, not only due to the use of ART, but also due to concomitant extragenital pathology, which leads to a decrease in all functions of the placenta, including endocrine.
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