Chronic endometritis - modern concepts, principles of maintenance. Literature review


  • E. Askar
  • R.K. Valiev
  • A.N. Rybina
  • A.K. Auelbekova



Chronic endometritis, CD 138, infertility, endometrial receptivity, implantation, reproductive failure, pregnancy failure


In our review article, we assessed the etiological factors of chronic endometritis, the most frequent manifestations of clinical
and endoscopic data, the effectiveness of various diagnostic procedures and existing treatment methods. However, until now,
many questions of the optimal algorithm for the diagnosis and treatment of this pathology remain open and require further study.

In connection with the above, a certain practical and scientific interest may be of prospective studies assessing modern diagnostic and treatment methods for ChE, their impact on the number of unsuccessful reproductive outcomes of ART programs, taking into account the personal characteristics of the reproductive system of patients.


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Wu D, Kimura F, Zheng L, Ishida M, Niwa Y, Hirata K, et al. Chronic endometritis modifies decidualization in human endometrial stromal cells. Reprod Biol Endocrinol. 2017; 15(1): 16.

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How to Cite

Askar Е. , Valiev Р. , Rybina А. and Auelbekova А. 2020. Chronic endometritis - modern concepts, principles of maintenance. Literature review. Reproductive Medicine. 4 (45) (Dec. 2020), 16–24. DOI: