Interferon status of endometry in patients with miscarriage and “Thin endometry” syndrome


  • N.M. Mamedalieva
  • A.M. Kurmanova
  • G.Zh. Anartaeva



“thin endometry” syndrome, miscarriage, endometrium, cytotoxic endometrial lymphocytes, interferon


The article presents the results of examination of 21 patients with miscarriage and “thin endometry” syndrome compared
with 20 patients without reproductive losses and the presence of normal endometrial thickness. Interferon gamma intracellular
production by cytotoxic endometrial lymphocytes was investigated by flow cytofluorometry. Based on the study, it was found
that in patients with miscarriage and “thin endometry” syndrome, the interferon gamma intracellular production by cytotoxic
CD8+ lymphocytes was sharply suppressed by almost 36 times, by CD56+ lymphocytes - by 13 times, by CD16+ lymphocytes
- by 4.5 times.


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How to Cite

Mamedalieva Н. , Kurmanova А. and Anartaeva Г. 2020. Interferon status of endometry in patients with miscarriage and “Thin endometry” syndrome. Reproductive Medicine (Central Asia). 4 (45) (Dec. 2020), 29–33. DOI: