Analysis of the market of medical services in the field of VRT and marketing strategy of medical institutions in Kazakhstan on the example of the work of MCC Persona
In Vitro Fertilisation, fertility, infertility, marketing strategy, clinic, promotion channels, servicesAbstract
The article discusses the formation of the market for assisted reproductive technologies in the Republic of Kazakhstan, in
particular, studies the reasons for its emergence and formation, provides statistical data on the birth rate, registered, infertile
marriages in the country as a whole and in the context of regions. Analysis of the existing statistics of patients with infertility
shows the need for In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF). The author of the article aims to show the real situation in Kazakhstan in the
field of assisted reproductive technologies: he draws attention to the specificity of this market, the working conditions of clinics
specializing in this area and the need for a marketing strategy for these clinics. This, according to the author, is a very important area of activity, through which specialists help to find the happiness of motherhood and fatherhood.
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