Dose-dependent analysis of the effects of drug correction of vitamin D deficiency in pregnant women
pregnant women, vitamin D, diagnosis, correctionAbstract
Pregnancy is a period accompanied by significant functional changes in a woman’s body, which are necessary both to
satisfy her own needs and to ensure intensive growth and development of the fetus. Adequate consumption of macro- and
micronutrients is currently extremely important, since malnutrition or excessive nutrition increases the risk of obstetric and
perinatal complications.
The article discusses the problem and causes of vitamin D deficiency and deficiency in pregnant women living in a big
city. The mechanisms of its action and the classical and “non-classical” effects of the regulation of the most important body
functions are shown. As a marker of the level of vitamin D in blood plasma, the content of 25-hydroxycalciferol (25 (OH) D)
is used. This indicator reflects both the formation of vitamin D in the skin under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, and its
entry into the body with food of animal and vegetable origin.
As a result of the study, it was found that the vast majority of modern pregnant women living in the city, even with an
uncomplicated pregnancy, have a deficiency of vitamin D. The frequency of the diagnosed deficiency in pre-pregnant and repregnant women is shown. It should be noted that the frequency of diagnosing vitamin D deficiency was higher in pregnant women with a history of breastfeeding. This suggests that re-pregnant women who have been breastfeeding for a long time are at high risk of deficiency and vitamin D deficiency compared with pregnant women, will give birth for the first time. Showing
the results of level 25 (OH) D before and after correction, while taking various doses of cholecalciferol. The obtained vitamin
D levels indicate that the nutritional behavior of the examined pregnant women and the qualitative characteristics of the
products do not fully support a sufficient level of cholecalciferol.
For the field of reproductive medicine today the problem of prevention and reduction of complications of the perinatal
period remains relevant. Given the importance of vitamin D for the normal course of pregnancy and the development of the
fetus, one of the promising directions in the prevention of complications of the gestational period is the development and
implementation of methods for eliminating and preventing vitamin D deficiency in the health care system, both at the stage of
pregravid preparation and during pregnancy.
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