The role of autoimmune antibodies in pregnant women with fetal loss syndrome in Uzbekistan


  • N.N. Mavlyanova 1Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center for Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, the Republic of Uzbekistan
  • D.K. Nazhmutdinova
  • D.B. Mirzakhodjaeva
  • M.M. Fayzirahmanova



pregnancy, fetal loss syndrome, autoantibodies to native DNA


Relevance: Fetal growth restriction syndrome (FGRS) is one of the most important causes of perinatal morbidity and mortality, the risk of sudden infant mortality. In this regard, the study of the role of antinuclear antibodies to native class G DNA in the blood serum of pregnant women with SAD will contribute to the disclosure of new pathogenetic aspects of the development of this pathology. The article presents the results of a study of the detectability of the levels of autoantibodies to native DNA in the blood serum of pregnant women with SORP.

The purpose of the research was to assess the levels of autoantibodies to native class G DNA in blood serum to identify the role of autoimmune antibodies in pregnant women with fetal loss syndrome.

Methods: 71 pregnant women aged 19 to 41 years were examined. The diagnosis of SORP was established based on clinical, laboratory, and functional studies. The level of autoantibodies of class G to native single-stranded and double-stranded DNA in blood serum was determined by the method of solid-phase ELISA study.

Results: The results of the study showed that in pregnant women with a severe degree of SORP, there was an increase in the concentration of autoantibodies to native double-stranded DNA by 54.6 times, and the level of antibodies to single-stranded DNA - 9.5 times compared with the control group of pregnant women without SORP.

Conclusions: The results obtained indicate the development of an associated autoimmune process in pregnant women with fetal growth restriction syndrome. At the same time, an increase in the concentration of AAT class G to double-stranded (dsDNA) and single-stranded (ssDNA) DNA indicates the activation of autoantibodies. In our opinion, the data obtained have diagnostic and prognostic value in the clinical course of fetal growth restriction syndrome. Determination of the AAT class G titer will facilitate further selection of adequate treatment.


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How to Cite

Mavlyanova Н., Nazhmutdinova Д., Mirzakhodjaeva Д. and Fayzirahmanova М. 2021. The role of autoimmune antibodies in pregnant women with fetal loss syndrome in Uzbekistan. Reproductive Medicine (Central Asia). 4 (49) (Dec. 2021), 35–41. DOI: