Thecase of abtsess of the ovary after the punch of folliculates in art program


  • J.U. Sultanova
  • Z.E. Barmanasheva
  • D.V. Dzhakupov
  • L.K. Aytkozhina
  • F.A. Kusainova
  • N.B. Karabekov


abscess, follicle puncture, IVF, laparoscopy


The article describes a clinical case of suppuration of the hematoma of the ovary after its puncture and collection of eggs
in the IVF program.


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How to Cite

Sultanova Ж., Barmanasheva З., Dzhakupov Д., Aytkozhina Л. , Kusainova Ф. and Karabekov Н. 2019. Thecase of abtsess of the ovary after the punch of folliculates in art program. Reproductive Medicine (Central Asia). 1 (38) (Apr. 2019), 55–57.