The impact of a rehabilitation program on psycho-emotional state of women with the risk of prolonged pregnancy
prolonged pregnancy, tocophobia, psycho-emotional state, rehabilitation, prevention, prenatal preparationAbstract
The prevalence of obstetric pathology, of which among pregnant women is constantly growing, is one of the most significant
obstacles to safe motherhood. The aim of our work was to increase the self-esteem of pregnant women at risk of prolonged
pregnancy and develop their self-control skills on the eve of labor to reduce the frequency of obstetric complications and reduce the frequency of operative delivery. For the first time, the program of psychological rehabilitation, prevention and preparation for childbirth was included in the comprehensive treatment of women with risk of prolongation. The use of breathing exercises, relaxation and autogenic training with elements of linguistic statements contribute to the processes of adaptation to stress. A greater number of physiological deliveries with a higher assessment of the state of children at birth indicates that the frequency of perinatal outcomes of the transferred stress is reduced with the help of a psychological rehabilitation program.
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