Detection of human papilloma virus by “Self-sampling”: a new model of screening of cervical cancer


  • O.O. Kovalyov


cervical cancer screening, human papillomavirus, Self sampling method


The article presents the advantages of screening cervical cancer based on the detection of oncogenic strains of human papillomavirus before traditional cytological screening using the PAP test. Self sampling using Aprovix's Qvintip tool (Sweden)
allows you to increase the percentage of women participating in national population screening programs, which will lead to an
improvement in the incidence and mortality of the female population from cervical cancer.


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How to Cite

Kovalyov А. 2019. Detection of human papilloma virus by “Self-sampling”: a new model of screening of cervical cancer. Reproductive Medicine (Central Asia). 2 (39) (Jul. 2019), 38–43.