Authors' Guidelines

“Reproductive Medicine” (the Journal) is an independent scientific and practical publication. The Journal publishes articles addressing fundamental and specific aspects of reproductive medicine, including original research, analytical reviews on contemporary issues in reproductive medicine, current international consensus on diagnosis and treatment, contemporary concepts/technologies for diagnosis and treatment, and clinical cases related to Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART).

1. General requirements for scientific manuscripts

These requirements are based on the Decree of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 12, 2016, No. 20 (officially recorded with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan on March 4, 2016, No. 13409), with amendments made on June 10, 2021.

Original research presents individual conclusions and intermediate or final results derived from scientific research, experimental, or analytical activities. It includes the author's developments, findings, and recommendations that have not been previously published and are novel. This may also involve a review of previously published research articles on a specific topic (systematic review).

Submitted manuscripts must comply with the Editorial Policy and Ethics of the Journal. Manuscripts are accepted for consideration in the Kazakh, Russian, or English languages.

Not eligible for review:

  • Manuscripts that have been published previously or are currently under consideration by other journals.

  • Manuscripts that deviate from the defined Aims and Scope of the Journal.

  • Manuscripts that fail to adhere to the Journal's material design requirements (see below).

  • Manuscripts that do not pass the plagiarism check (original research must exhibit originality of at least 80%, and literature reviews must score at least 50%).

2. Title page

The following information is provided in a separate file called “title page”:

  • Manuscript title.

  • Initials and surnames of the authors.

  • Authors’ affiliations, including the organization's name, city, and country. The author's connection to the respective affiliation is denoted by a sequentially assigned uppercase Arabic numeral after the author's surname and before the name of the corresponding institution.

  • Each author's contribution to the manuscript preparation, specifying involvement in the concept, scientific design, execution, or interpretation of the stated scientific research, and manuscript writing.

  • ORCID codes for all authors. 

  • Email addresses for all authors.

  • Identification of the corresponding author, including full name, email, postal address, and phone number.

  • Disclosure of any conflict of interest or confirmation of its absence.

  • Information about funding for the research or confirmation of its absence.

  • Declaration of compliance with scientific ethics principles:

      1. The research was conducted in accordance with relevant ethical principles, and where necessary, approval was obtained from the Local Ethics Committee (LEC) (a link to the LEC protocol and international research principles shall be provided).

      2. Patients involved in the study have provided signed informed consent to participate in the research.

Then, the title page must include a translation of the following information into other languages (Kazakh and English for a manuscript submitted in Russian; Russian and English for a manuscript submitted in Kazakh): manuscript title, authors’ full names and affiliations, abstract, and keywords. The Editorial Office can provide a translation into Kazakh for manuscripts submitted from abroad.

The template for the title page is available at:

3. Structure of the manuscript

The submitted manuscript should include the following obligatory components:

  • UDC code (in the upper left corner. You can check the code online at;

  • Manuscript title (centered);

  • Abstract;

  • keywords;

  • (starting from the new page) Introduction;
  • Aim of the study;

  • Materials and Methods;

  • Results;

  • Discussion;

  • Conclusion;

  • References.

Manuscript title

The manuscript's title and the study's purpose should relate to the Journal's Aims and Scope. In turn, the Results and Conclusions must be relevant to the stated purpose of the study. Using abbreviations in the manuscript title is discouraged.


The Abstract outlines the content and research methods and summarizes the most significant results and their implications. It should not exceed 300 words and must include sub-sections for Relevance, Purpose, Methods, Results, and Conclusion. Abbreviations in the Abstract should be avoided, except for widely accepted terms like ART; any abbreviations used must be deciphered at their initial mention.


Keywords are employed for search purposes and define the manuscript’s subject area. Up to 5-7 keywords/phrases are allowed.


In the Introduction section, the research prerequisites should be outlined along with the essence of the problem, its significance, existing knowledge on the topic, and gaps in scientific understanding that the authors aim to address. The Introduction section must rationalize the necessity of the research described in the manuscript.

Purpose of the study

The Introduction is succeeded by the research purpose and tasks, aligning with the manuscript title. The Aim section articulates the study's purpose and provides a brief overview of the research subject and population (or data set for literature reviews).

Materials and methods

Each original research shall ensure the reproducibility of research results, delineate the research methodology, and specify the origin of equipment and materials (company, country), as well as methods of statistical data processing and other techniques employed in the study.

The Materials and Methods section should encompass the following information: the type of study (observational, interventional, literature review, description of a clinical case, etc.); the method and criteria for selecting research participants/materials (including a description of randomization and masking procedures); the measurement technique; and the ways of presenting and processing data.


The described results should align with the stated purpose of the study. Negative findings (such as the authors’ hypothesis not being supported or negative treatment outcomes) should be transparently disclosed.

Tables, graphs, and diagrams shall be used to succinctly present the obtained results. Refer to the instructions for tables and illustrations below. Information presented in tables, graphs, and diagrams should not be duplicated in the text as a mere listing but may be referenced during the analysis of research results. Tables should include the statistical data processing results and the calculated coefficients.


This section is not meant to duplicate data provided in earlier sections of the manuscript. The Discussion section is designed to scrutinize and debate the research findings, comparing them to previously published results from similar studies. Efforts should be made to elucidate any differences or similarities between the obtained results and those published by other authors.

The Discussion section also outlines the study's limitations and discusses their reasons. Research limitations should be critically examined, especially if they could significantly impact the results or their interpretation.

Furthermore, the Discussion section should propose potential applications of the obtained results and delineate any limitations to their practical use. Practical recommendations for applying the research results may be provided in certain cases.


The conclusion must correspond to the stated purpose and the manuscript title. The Conclusions section should be based on the data provided in the Results section.

Before writing an article, authors are encouraged to familiarize themselves with international standards for the presentation of results of various types of research:

4. Manuscript size

It is recommended to restrict original research and clinical case reports to 8 pages, while literature reviews should not exceed 12 pages.

5. General requirements for manuscript design

  • Use font Times New Roman Cyr #12, and line spacing 1.5. The text is formatted in a single column.

  • Abbreviations are spelled out at initial use, and the abbreviated term should be utilized subsequently.

  • Terms used four or more times in the manuscript can be abbreviated; two-word terms do not require abbreviation.

  • An abbreviation spelled out in the Abstract should be spelled out again in the main text.

  • Mathematical formulas are numbered with Arabic numerals in parentheses at the rightmost position on the same line. All elements in formulas should be clearly labeled.

  • All pages should be numbered at the bottom and centered.

6. Tables

  • Tables are sequentially numbered with Arabic numerals. The table header is left-aligned (e.g., Table 1 – Table header).

  • Each table should be referenced in the text of the manuscript.

  • Data in column 1 should be left-aligned, while in other columns, it should be centered.

  • Tables created using Word or Excel are submitted in editable format (not as non-editable images!!!).

  • Small tables can be inserted into the text. Large tables should be submitted as separate editable files (* .docx, * doc, * .xlsx, * .xls).

  • If a table is borrowed from a previously published source, a reference to the corresponding source number in the reference list is provided after the table header in square brackets.

7. Illustrations (photographs, graphs, diagrams, figures)

  • All illustrations must be submitted as separate files!!!

  • The files containing illustrations should include the illustration number in the manuscript (example: fig1);

  • Each illustration should be referenced in the text of the manuscript (example: figure 1);

  • Photos and graphs shall be submitted in vector format (PSD, Tiff, AI, JPEG, PNG, PDF). The minimum resolution for vector illustrations is 300 dpi, and the maximum size of illustrations should be 120 × 210 mm;

  • Scanned illustrations will not be considered;

  • Graphs and diagrams created using MS Office tools should be integrated into the text in an editable format (not as images!!!);

  • The illustration header should not be repeated on the image itself. Also, illustrations should not contain text that can be placed in the text or figure captions;

  • If photographs of people are used, individuals should not be recognizable, and the eye area should be covered with a black rectangular plate;

  • If the illustration comprises several parts, the different parts should be designated with capital Latin letters, and the illustration header should clarify the distinction between the parts of the illustration;

  • If an illustration is borrowed from a previously published source, a reference to the number of the corresponding source in the reference list is provided after the illustration header in square brackets.

8. References (see examples below)

  • References in the text are assigned Arabic numbers enclosed in square brackets: [1, 3, 5-7] in the order they appear in the text. Sources are arranged in the list of references in the sequence they were cited in the text.

  • Acceptable sources for an original article encompass works by both national and international authors published within the last 5-7 years, and for review articles, within the past decade.

  • The reference list shall not exceed 10-20 sources for original articles and 50 sources for literature reviews.

  • Self-citations should not exceed 30% of the total list of references.

  • We welcome references to articles published earlier in the Reproductive Medicine Journal (

  • The reference list can be prepared per GOST 7.1-2003 or in the Vancouver format. The list shall follow a uniform format regardless of the language of the sources;

  • All references require a complete list of authors (“et al.” not accepted).

  • All sources shall have an Internet link after the bibliographic description (e.g.,,

  • All references in Russian, Kazakh, Ukrainian, and other non-Latin languages require transliteration into the Latin alphabet (placed in square brackets after the bibliographic description in the source's language of publication). A free resource for transliteration is available at:

Examples of references per GOST 7.1-2003

References to book sources

  1. Агафонова Н.Н. Гражданское право: учебное пособие для вузов /под ред. А.Г. Калпина. – Изд. 2-е, пер. и доп. – М.: Юрист, 2003. – 542 с [Agafonova N.N. Grazhdanskoe pravo: uchebnoe posobie dlja vuzov /pod red. A.G. Kalpina. – Izd. 2-e, per. i dop. – M.: Jurist, 2003. – 542 s];

  2. Гембицкий Е.В. Нейроциркуляторная гипотония…: руководство по кардиологии: в 5 т. /под ред. Е.И. Чазова. – М.: Изд-во Медицина, 1982. – Т. 4. – С. 101-117 [Gembickij E.V. Nejrocirkuljatornaja gipotonija…: rukovodstvo po kardiologii: v 5 t. /pod red. E.I. Chazova. – M.: Izd-vo Medicina, 1982. – T. 4. – S. 101-117];

  3. Портер М.Е. Международная конкуренция / пер. с англ.; под ред. В.Д. Щепина. – М.: Международные отношения, 1993. – 140 с [Porter M.E. Mezhdunarodnaja konkurencija / per. s angl.; pod red. V.D. Shhepina. – M.: Mezhdunarodnye otnoshenija, 1993. – 140 s];

  4. Павлов Б.П. Батуев С.П. Подготовка водомазутных….. // В кн.: Повышение эффективности использования…... – Л.: Недра, 1983. – 216 с [Pavlov B.P. Batuev S.P. Podgotovka vodomazutnyh….. // V kn.: Povyshenie jeffektivnosti ispol'zovanija…... – L.: Nedra, 1983. – 216 s].

References to journal sources, collections, and conference proceedings

  1. Ефимов М.Л., Аскарова Г.С. Суточные биологические ритмы…. // Усп. совр. биологии. – 2003. – Т. 103, № 2. – С. 255-270 [Efimov M.L., Askarova G.S. Sutochnye biologicheskie ritmy…. // Usp. sovr. biologii. – 2003. – T. 103, № 2. – S. 255-270];

  2. Георгиева Р.С. Изменения в системе свертывания крови ……// Вопросы экспер. и клин.онкол.: сб. науч. тр. Института онкологии и радиологии. – Алматы, 2004. – С. 214-217 [Georgieva R.S. Izmenenija v sisteme svertyvanija krovi ……// Voprosy jeksper. i klin.onkol.: sb. nauch. tr. Instituta onkologii i radiologii. – Almaty, 2004. – S. 214-217];

  3. Абусеитова М.Х. История Центральной Азии: концепции, методология и новые подходы // Матер.междунар. науч. конф. «К новым стандартам в развитии общественных наук в Центральной Азии». – Алматы: Дайк-Пресс, 2006. – С. 10-17 [Abuseitova M.H. Istorija Central'noj Azii: koncepcii, metodologija i novye podhody // Mater.mezhdunar. nauch. konf. «K novym standartam v razvitii obshhestvennyh nauk v Central'noj Azii». – Almaty: Dajk-Press, 2006. – S. 10-17].

Reference to documents and dissertations

  1. Пат. 5773 РК. Способ извлечения золота из синтетических ионитов /Г.А. Нечистых; опубл. 30.03.98, Бюл. № 6. – 4 с [Pat. 5773 RK. Sposob izvlechenija zolota iz sinteticheskih ionitov /G.A. Nechistyh; opubl. 30.03.98, Bjul. № 6. - 4 s];

  2. А.с. 386018. СССР. Способ извлечения металлов /А.Г. Акатаев, Б.И. Петров; опубл 17.05.81, Бюл. № 15. – 2 с [A.s. 386018. SSSR. Sposob izvlechenija metallov /A.G. Akataev, B.I. Petrov; opubl 17.05.81, Bjul. № 15. – 2 s];

  3. Избаиров А.К. Нетрадиционные исламские направления: дис. … док.ист.наук: 07.00.03. – Алматы: ИВ им.Р.Б. Сулейменова, 2009. – 270 с. – Инв. № 0509РК00125 [Izbairov A.K. Netradicionnye islamskie napravlenija: dis. … 07.00.03. – Almaty: IV im.R.B. Sulejmenova, 2009. – 270 s. – Inv. № 0509RK00125];

  4. Указ Президента Республики Казахстан. О некоторых вопросах ………: утв. 11 декабря 2006 года, № 220 [Ukaz Prezidenta Respubliki Kazahstan. O nekotoryh voprosah ………: utv. 11 dekabrja 2006 goda, № 220];

  5. Стратегический план развития…………: утв. Указом Президента Республики Казахстан от 4 декабря 2001 года, № 735 [Strategicheskij plan razvitija…………: utv. Ukazom Prezidenta Respubliki Kazahstan ot 4 dekabrja 2001 goda, № 735] // 28.12.2001;

  6. ГОСТ Р 51771 - 2001. Аппаратура радиоэлектронная бытовая. Входные и выходные параметры и типы соединений. Технические требования. - Введ. 2002-01-01. - М.: Госстандарт Россия: Изд-во стандартов, 2001. – IV.- 27 с [GOST R 51771 - 2001. Apparatura radiojelektronnaja bytovaja. Vhodnye i vyhodnye parametry i tipy soedinenij. Tehnicheskie trebovanija. - Vved. 2002-01-01. - M.: Gosstandart Rossija: Izd-vo standartov, 2001. – IV.- 27 s].

9. Requirements for clinical case reports

  • For clinical case reports, ALL general requirements for the title page and article design apply (refer to the information above).
  • Requirements for the structure of the clinical case report:

 Introduction: A concise overview of the case, a depiction of prior experiences, and an elucidation of the case's uniqueness, accompanied by references to relevant literature.

Patient Information: Anonymized patient details, underlying issues, and disease symptoms.

Clinical data: Findings from physical examinations and clinical observations.

Diagnostics: Information derived from diagnostic methods and challenges encountered during diagnosis.

Treatment: Specification of therapy types, regimens, dosages, and durations.

Results: Assessment of treatment outcomes (diagnosis) and treatment tolerance.

Timeline: Presentation of data related to the clinical case in a chronological format (as a figure or a table).

Discussion: Evaluation of strengths and limitations in the approach to the described case, discussion of the relevant medical literature, justification of conclusions, key takeaways, and recommendations.

References: Please refer to the requirements outlined in the “General Guidelines for Manuscript Design” section.

10. Requirements for literature reviews

  • For literature reviews, ALL standard requirements for the title page and article design apply (refer to the information above).
  • The Materials and Methods section of a literature review should intricately detail the criteria employed for the literature search, as well as the inclusion and exclusion of sources. When outlining the search procedure, it is advisable to adhere to the PRISMA methodology:
  • References must be provided for all indirect sources, such as “there is evidence,” “published data suggests,” “according to experts,” etc.

11. Submission Procedure

  • The manuscript file and the title page shall be submitted in an editable format (*.docx, *.doc, *.txt).
  • All illustrations (including graphs and diagrams), as well as large tables, should be submitted as separate files (refer to the guidelines for illustrations and tables above).
  • Before submission, ensure that the manuscript complies with all the requirements outlined in these Authors' Guidelines.
  • Manuscripts are accepted for consideration through the electronic submission system:

12. Review Procedure

  • The Editorial Office reserves the right to reject any submitted manuscript without providing reasons at any stage of its consideration.
  • All submitted manuscripts undergo plagiarism checks conducted by the Editorial Office; the report is provided to the corresponding author if necessary. Manuscripts with an originality level below 80% (for literature reviews – below 50%), containing instances of improper citations (not adhering to citation rules), or displaying a high percentage of self-citation (matching a fragment of the text of a source, where one of the authors is the author or co-author of the checked document) are returned to the authors for revision.
  • All manuscripts undergo double-anonymization for peer review. The reviewers include both Kazakhstani and foreign experts in the subject area of the manuscript, including those who have publications in international databases such as Web of Science and Scopus.
  • All manuscripts go through editorial revisions. Authors pre-agree to the editorial right to make spelling, stylistic, and design edits that do not alter the manuscript’s content.
  • The corresponding author's confirmation of the final (edited) manuscript version implies agreement from all authors with this final version.
  • Once the final version of the manuscript is mutually agreed upon by the corresponding author and published, the editorial board does not accept claims regarding errors in the published article. However, if necessary, the author(s) may publish errata to their article in subsequent issues of the Journal.

13. Article processing charge (APC)

The article processing charge (APC) is KZT 50,000 for a 10-page manuscript (font 12, with 1.5 line spacing) and an additional KZT 10,000 for each subsequent page (including title pages and references). Payment is only required after the Editorial Office decides to publish the manuscript.

The Publisher covers other expenses related to the editorial and publishing processes.

14. Copyright

Upon publication acceptance, the copyright for the manuscript is transferred to the Journal Publisher. When reproducing all or part of the material, the author must acknowledge the primary publication in this Journal.