Publishing policy of the Journal

Reproductive Medicine is an independent scientific and practical publication produced in accordance with its Publication Ethics and this Policy.

The founder of the scientific and practical Reproductive Medicine journal is the Kazakhstan Association for Reproductive Medicine (KARM), a non-profit organization dedicated to uniting specialists in the field of reproductive medicine, disseminating medical knowledge, and implementing international quality standards in medicine. KARM brings together professionals specializing in human reproduction, including obstetrician-gynecologists, fertility specialistы, and embryologists. The Journal is published by Kaz Med Print LLP.

Editorial Board and Editorial Council

The editorial policy of the Reproductive Medicine journal is guided by two bodies: the Editorial Board and the Editorial Council of the Journal. 

The Editorial Board shapes the current policies of the Journal, approves its content, and oversees the activities of the Editorial Office to ensure the Journal's high standards. The Editorial Board comprises leading specialists in obstetrics, gynecology, andrology, genetics, and perinatology from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Ukraine, Australia, Italy and the US.

The Editorial Council has a deliberative role, influencing the strategic development of the Journal, assisting in updating publication topics, and fostering constant communication with the global scientific community. It includes scientists and healthcare professionals from Kazakhstan, Russia, Israel, Ukraine, France, and Georgia, who are globally recognized experts in reproductive medicine and have made significant contributions to its advancement. 

Published materials

Aims and Scope: The Journal endeavors to disseminate the latest advancements in national and global scientific research in reproductive medicine, female health, male health, and children’s health.

Manuscripts submitted for publication shall:

- align with the stated purpose and subject areas of the Journal;

- adhere to the requirements outlined in the Authors' Guidelines;

- have received at least one positive reviewer's opinion.

The Journal welcomes original research, clinical cases, and analytical reviews addressing contemporary topics in reproductive medicine and children’s diseases, as well as dedicated to the problems of male and female reproductive health and public management of reproductive health.

Each issue features contributions from both national and foreign authors. Scientific papers by authors not affiliated with the publisher constitute a minimum of 50 (fifty) percent of publications in each issue. The authors of these articles are leading experts in the theory and practice of reproductive medicine, female health, male health, and children’s health, and public health management from Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Israel, the USA, and other countries.

Manuscripts are accepted in Kazakh, Russian, or English. Each issue contains at least one article in Kazakh and one in English. Bibliographic information for each article (title, authors’ data, abstract, and keywords) is published in Kazakh, English, and Russian.

Peer review

All articles undergo double-anonymized peer review. The reviewers are Kazakh and foreign experts in the article's subject area, including those with publications in the international databases Web of Science and Scopus. See more details about the review process and the responsible parties in the Journal's Peer Review Procedure.

Advertising and other materials

Other types of publications do not exceed 10% (ten percent) of the total number of articles in each issue.

For advertising requirements, see the Journal's Advertising Policy.

Access to published content

The Journal adheres to a policy of immediate open access to published content, endorsing the principles of freely disseminating scientific information and facilitating global knowledge exchange for general social progress. All articles accepted for publication in the Journal are available in full text, both in print and online, immediately after the next issue is released. The Journal's online archive is accessible on its website, covering content from 2013 to present.

The articles published in this Journal are licensed under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 (Creative Commons Attribution – Non-Commercial – No Derivatives 4.0 International) license, which only provides for their non-commercial use. Under this license, users have the right to copy and distribute the material in copyright but are not permitted to modify or use it for commercial purposes. Full details on the licensing are available at


In the event a journal is no longer published, all articles in electronic and/or printed version will be available from the Journal Publisher (see Contacts page).