Gender differences among patients come through coronary artery bypass grafting


  • L.M. Aktayeva
  • K.B. Abzaliyev
  • G.A. Aldangarova


gender differences, factors of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease progression, coronary angiography


In order to study the gender differences of the patients with a direct revascularization, clinical records of the patients who
got a hospital treatment in Cardiac Surgery Department of the Research Institute for Cardiology and Internal Diseases from
01.01.2015 till 31.12.2017 were studied. The study engaged 54 women (27.7%) and 141 men (72.3%). The average age of the
participant, regardless of sex, is 63.0 years old; among women-64; among men -62. It was concluded that diabetes mellitus
(44.4% versus 21.3%), thyroid disease (16.7% versus (1.4%) were the most significant factors of atherosclerotic cardiovascular
disease progression. Among women arterial hypertension of the 3rd degree is more common - in 92.6% of cases, among men
in 68.1% of cases. Among men, smoking has the most important impact, 53.9% compared to 3.7%, acute cerebrovascular
disease in a medical history among men is by a two-to-one margin. There are fewer overweight women than men (38.95 versus
53.6%). According to data of coronary angiography, the defeat of left coronary artery trunk is revealed among 25.9% of women
and among 29.8% of men, three-vessel disease of coronary arteries is registered among 87% of women and among 85.1% of
men, the average number of shunts for female-2.76 (±0.8) and for male-3.13 (±0.7). All of these data indicate atherosclerotic
damage to hemodynamically significant coronary arteries and almost the same number of applied shunts. The reliable gender
difference has been not identified under coronarography protocols.


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How to Cite

Aktayeva Л. , Abzaliyev К. and Aldangarova Г. 2019. Gender differences among patients come through coronary artery bypass grafting. Reproductive Medicine. 3 (40) (Oct. 2019), 13–17.