Health status of children born after assisted reproductive technologies
assisted reproductive technology (ART), in vitro fertilization (IVF), offspring, children, children's health, state of health, psychosocial healthAbstract
Relevance: The health status of desired children born after the successful use of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) remains one of the most discussed in modern medicine. Existing publications on the use of ART, including extensive registry studies and systematic reviews/meta-analyses, have conflicting data regarding the health status of children conceived through in-vitro fertilization compared to those conceived naturally.
Most studies are mainly devoted to short-term observations of the state of somatic or mental childrens’/offspring health after ART, while publications concerning long-term results are much less common.
The study aimed to analyze modern publications on physical and sexual development features, psychosocial status, endocrine system status, risks of cardiometabolic diseases, and conformational abnormalities of children conceived using ART.
Methods: This review includes an analysis of the currently available data on the childrens’/offspring health born after ART. The literature was searched in online databases, including Medline, Scopus, Web of Science, Google Scholar, Springer, PubMed, ResearchGate, and CyberLeninka. The search was carried out on all types of studies published in English and Russian, using the keywords: “assisted reproductive technologies (ART),” “in vitro fertilization (IVF),” “offspring,” “children,” “childrens’/offspring health,” “state of health,” “psychosocial health.”
Results: The literature data analysis revealed several studies on the possible impact of the state of health of their parents on the health of offspring in the cases when the parents decreased fertility is an indication for ART. Excluding such factors levels the probability of an adverse effect of ART on future children’s health.
Conclusion: Considering the active development of ART in Kazakhstan, a large cohort of children born after ART, and the lack of studies on their morbidity’s health status and structure, an active study of this problem in our country is required.
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