Characteristics of oocyte donors in the Republic of Kazakhstan
ART, oocyte donation, motives for donation, anonymity, donor record-keeping, IVFAbstract
Relevance: The World Health Organization reported about 48.5 million infertile couples worldwide in 2013. 19.2 million of them faced difficulties in having their first child. Nowadays, women postpone marriage and childbirth to a later date. For various reasons, this leads to problems conceiving, including the absence of their eggs. The development of reproductive
medicine made it possible to use donor gametes for treating infertility due to the lack of own genetic material. As a result, the use of gamete donors is encouraged, which becomes a significant link of in vitro fertilization programs.
The study aimed to obtain a socio-medical profile of oocyte donors in the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2020-2021.
Methods: The study analyzed the reproductive history of oocyte donors, their attitude to the donation procedure, the issues of keeping records of the use of their genetic material, and maintaining anonymity.
Results: In this study, 82.86% of donors were aged 26 to 35; 58.8% of them were ethnic Kazakhs; 80% were motivated by the financial compensation. At that, 53.13% of donors were dissatisfied with the amount paid for their participation in the donation program. 79.41% would agree to donate again, and 58.8% have already donated several times. While a third of the respondents were concerned about their health, the other third had no special feelings before donation. 52.94% of donors considered a
possibility that children born using their oocytes could meet in the future. Approximately 60% of respondents believed their anonymity at donation is preserved and would not like their information stored in a unified gamete donor register for fear of violating their privacy.
Conclusion: The study results indicate that financial compensation was the principal motivation for 80.0% of oocyte donors in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Concerns of oocyte donors for their health are inevitable since the procedure of stimulation and retrieval of oocytes is associated with certain risks, both anesthetic and surgical. Despite this, more than half of the respondents agree to be donors repeatedly for various reasons. More than half of the donors see their donation as anonymous and would not like to have any record in the electronic database of the registered gamete donors.
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