Using a synthetic analogue of prostaglandin e1 (misoprostol) Per os for cervical maturation


  • S.Sh. Issenova
  • V.Е. Radzinsky
  • G.M. Issina
  • B.N. Bishchekova
  • ZH.N Kypshakbaeva
  • B.К. Kabyl
  • L.S. Ziyat ГПЦ
  • G.A. Ali
  • A.B. Assemov



Preparing the cervix for childbirth, Misoprostol administration according to the scheme


Relevance: The frequency of labor induction is steadily increasing, and in industrialized countries, about one in four pregnant women are induced labor.
The aim of the study - was to evaluate the effectiveness of a synthetic analog of prostaglandin E1 0.2 mg (misoprostol) for
maturation of the cervix when using per os and to analyze the frequency of operative labor as well as maternal and perinatal complications associated with the use of misoprostol.
Methods: The analysis of the results of preparation of the cervix for childbirth in 332 pregnant women with misoprostol
based on the protocol of diagnosis and treatment of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Induction of labor” 2017 was carried out. The study period is September–December 2021.
Results: Against the background of the ongoing preparation of the birth canal, 93% (309) of pregnant women began regular labor activity. In 6.9% of cases (23), regular labor activity did not begin against the background of pre-induction, but a degree of maturity on the Bishop scale of 7 points or more was achieved. Of all 332 cases of preinduction, 83.7% (278) of pregnant women completed childbirth through the natural birth canal. Cesarean section surgery was performed urgently in 16.2% (54) of pregnant women, while in the latent phase of labor, cesarean section was performed in 21.4% (11) of women in labor, and in most cases in the active phase of labor 78.6% (43).
Conclusion: The authors suggest considering the possibility of preparing misoprostol in the form of solutions or suspensions for parenteral use, which will meet the requirements for dosage forms for parenteral use.


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How to Cite

Issenova С., Radzinsky В., Issina Г., Bishchekova Б., Kypshakbaeva Ж., Kabyl Б., Ziyat Л., Ali Г. and Assemov А. 2022. Using a synthetic analogue of prostaglandin e1 (misoprostol) Per os for cervical maturation. Reproductive Medicine (Central Asia). 2(51) (Jul. 2022), 77–83. DOI: