Medical and social factors of infertility and their impact on the effectiveness of infertility treatment using high-tech treatment methods
infertility factors, assisted reproductive technologies, quota programs, high-tech treatment methodsAbstract
Relevance: Last years, due to the use of high-tech infertility treatments, many previously insurmountable infertility factors have lost their importance.
The study aimed to establish the etiological structure of infertility in the Aktobe Region and to assess the risk factors for reproductive dysfunction and their impact on the effectiveness of infertility treatment using high-tech treatment methods.
Methods: We analyzed the medical records, counseling data, and effectiveness of IVF programs on January 1, 2022, of 324 infertile couples living in the Aktobe Region and treated for infertility under a quota in 2021.
Results: We chose 23 factors from anamnestic-clinical data and studied their possible impact on the effectiveness of high-tech infertility treatment methods. The following groups of factors that influence the effectiveness of treatment of infertility using high-tech treatment methods have been identified: “Age groups,” “Primary/Secondary infertility,” “Factors of infertility under ICD N97.0-N97.9,” “Antimuller hormone (AMH) level.” The decrease in IVF effectiveness with age is well-known and confirmed by this study's results. According to the effects of logistic regression, the factor “secondary infertility” (OSH=1.860{95% 1.160-2.982}) increases the possibility of not getting pregnant by 1.86 times due to endometrial changes. Among “Infertility factors, according to ICD N97.0-N97.9, the lowest efficiency is noted at “unknown factor infertility N97.9” – 16.6%, which doubles the possibility of not getting pregnant.
The result of “AMH below 1 with follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) below 12 and the presence of at least six antral follicles” showed a high efficiency of treatment – 61.5%, due to donor cells in this category of patients.
Conclusion: In the treatment of infertility by quota programs, the most significant factors that reduce the effectiveness are age, secondary infertility (with a history of uterine pregnancy), as well as “unidentified infertility factor N97.9,” indirectly indicating the importance of identifying possible disorders on the genetic and psychological levels.
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