Ways to increase women’s adherence to cervical cancer screening in rural areas. Study protocol
cervical cancer, cervical cancer screening, adherence, rural women’s knowledge of cervical cancer screening , rural health, cervical cancer epidemiologyAbstract
Relevance: Cervical cancer has been leading among oncopathologies in morbidity and mortality worldwide for many years. In the structure of oncological diseases in the Republic of Kazakhstan, cervical cancer ranks second after breast cancer. Today, many screening programs are being actively implemented and conducted worldwide. However, their effectiveness is often directly related to the population coverage level and the public willingness to be screened. When studying women’s adherence to cervical cancer screening, special attention should be paid to the dependence on geographical location (urban or rural). The experience of foreign researchers has shown an alarming situation in that the female population of rural areas, for the most part, is not aware of the possible danger of cervical cancer. Substantial evidence is currently lacking regarding knowledge, attitudes, and participation rates in cervical cancer screening among rural women in Kazakhstan.
The study aimed to determine the need to develop a scientifically based program to increase the adherence of rural women to cervical cancer screening to increase coverage of the target group of women (aged 30 to 70 years, not diagnosed).
Methods: Proposed study methodology: cross-sectional epidemiological, cross-sectional design. The materials collected by a retrospective sociological survey were analyzed per the study targets, and a literature review was carried out. The collected results were statistically processed in SPSS and Excel programs. The pilot study involved 115 women aged 30 to 70 years living in rural (n=60) and urban areas (n=55).
Results: The pilot study showed low adherence to cervical cancer screening. Thus, most rural women (61.7%) have never participated in screening, and only 38.3% of women have been screened. Low awareness of the cervical cancer screening program was also revealed – only one woman (1.7%) was well informed among women living in rural areas. Among urban women, the participation rate was as follows: 25.5% were not screened, and 74.5% were screened. The comparison showed statistically significant differences between rural and urban women in the level of participation in cervical cancer screening (p<0.05).
Conclusion: Conducting a study according to the protocol stated in this publication and considering the pilot study results will reveal the need for a program to increase the adherence of rural women to cervical cancer screening.
World Health Organization C. Screening for cervical cancer. https://www.who.int/activities/screening-for-cervical cancer. 05.10.2022.
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