The role of the vaginal microbiota in the preservation of female reproductive health: literature review (part 1)


  • I.V. Bakhareva N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russian Federation



microbiome, vaginal microbiota, community state type (CST), vaginal dysbiosis, bacterial vaginosis (BV), vulvovaginal candidiasis, probiotics


Relevance: The vaginal microbiota plays an important role in protecting the host from various gynecological infectious and noninfectious diseases. The emergence of new molecular genetic testing methods and the development of computer technology significantly expand our understanding of the vaginal microbiome. The recent classification of community state types (CST) opens up new perspectives in diagnosing and treating female genital tract diseases.

Purpose of the study – analysis of current data on the state of vaginal microbiota, the community state types, and their impact on female reproductive health.

Methods: For the review (parts 1 and 2), the scientific literature of the past decade was searched on PubMed for the following keywords: “vaginal microbiome,” “vaginal microbiota,” “vaginal dysbiosis,” “bacterial vaginosis,” “bacterial vaginosis and age,” “bacterial vaginosis and ethnicity,” “bacterial vaginosis and stress,” “bacterial vaginosis and pelvic inflammatory disease,” “bacterial vaginosis, pregnancy, premature delivery,” “probiotics and vaginal microbiota,” “menopausal hormone therapy and vaginal microbiota.” The article includes original articles and reviews from peer-reviewed publications indexed in PubMed. Part 1 of this review was published in No. 1_2022 of this journal.

Results: Part One of this review describes the vaginal microbiota CST and risk factors for vaginal dysbiosis.

The vaginal microflora is grouped into a limited number of communities, but the community structure is constantly changing. Certain CSTs are associated with reproductive failures and sexually transmitted infections (STIs), while balanced CSTs, dominated by Lactobacillus species, especially Lactobacillus crispatus, are optimal for health. This article examines the effects on normal vaginal microbiota homeostasis of modifiable and unmodifiable risk factors, including age, sexual behavior, ethnicity, and hygiene.  

Conclusion: Despite considerable progress in characterizing the vaginal CSTs, many questions remain unclear: the functioning of the microbiome, the transcription of microbial proteins, the metabolic interaction of microbiota members both among themselves and with the host organism, and the optimization of interventions aimed at maintaining or restoring a healthy microbiome.


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How to Cite

Bakhareva И. 2022. The role of the vaginal microbiota in the preservation of female reproductive health: literature review (part 1). Reproductive Medicine (Central Asia). 1(50) (Apr. 2022), 52–59. DOI: