Comparative aspects of classical cesarean section and bottom cesarean section in placenta previa with placenta accreta


  • S.Sh. Isienova КазНМУ имени С.Д. Асфендиярова
  • G.K. Nurlanova
  • Zh.U. Sultanova
  • I.N. Ten
  • B.R. Abilmazhinova
  • L.R. Dadaeva



cesarean section (C-section), corporal section, pregnancy, placenta, placenta previa


Relevance: The cesarean section (C-section) frequency is steadily increasing globally. Innovative organ surgical techniques like bottom C-section with metroplasty (excision of the uterus with placenta accreta) are used. The need for a new approach to such delivery aims primarily to minimize blood loss, which is inevitable in this state and sometimes reaches 5000-7000 mL.
The study aimed to substantiate the effectiveness and superiority of bottom C-sections in placenta previa compared to the classical method of operative delivery.
Methods: A retrospective analysis was made of 27 cases diagnosed with placenta previa at the perinatal center and children’s cardiac surgery in Almaty.
Results: The analysis showed that bottom C-section in gravida with placenta previa and accreta was associated with a 2.5-times lower intraoperative blood loss, a decrease in volumes of replacement therapy in the form of blood and plasma transfusion and re-infusion from 4800.0 to 700.0 mL (p<0.05), and a twofold decrease in the case management cost.
Conclusion: Thus, the bottom C-section may be recommended in placenta previa and accreta.


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How to Cite

Isienova С., Nurlanova Г., Sultanova Ж., Ten И., Abilmazhinova Б. and Dadaeva Л. 2022. Comparative aspects of classical cesarean section and bottom cesarean section in placenta previa with placenta accreta. Reproductive Medicine (Central Asia). 4(53) (Dec. 2022), 63–67. DOI: