Evaluation of the efficiency of preimplantation genetic testing in ART programs: A retrospective study
embryo, preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy (PGT-A), karyotypeAbstract
Relevance: The effectiveness of cycles of assisted reproductive technologies (ART), determined by the frequency of pregnancy, does not exceed 40-44% globally. The growth zone is the application of high-tech methods at the embryological stage of ART programs.The study aimed to evaluate the efficiency of preimplantation genetic testing in ART programs.
Methods: A retrospective analysis involved the results of genetic screening of embryos by Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) in patients of different age groups with the account of anomalies in the patient karyotype.
Results: In the study, the probability of obtaining an embryo with a euploid set of chromosomes decreased with age in patients with a normal karyotype. The proportion of embryos with an aneuploid set of chromosomes was the highest in the oldest
age group (over 40 years old) and amounted to 66.7%. In the structure of karyotype deviations, 6.8% of women and 6.8% of men had changes in the chromosomal status. In couples with a normal karyotype, 42.6% (100 embryos) were recommended for
transfer, and 57.5% (135 embryos) were not recommended. 11.4% (4 embryos) were recommended for transfer among couples with karyotype abnormalities. This was almost four times less than among patients with a normal karyotype. 88.6% (31) of
embryos had chromosomal abnormalities.
Conclusion: Preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy (PGT-A) in embryos by new generation sequencing (NGS) makes it possible to achieve pregnancy with a higher probability in patients of older reproductive age with numerical or structural
anomalies of the karyotype.
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